Garnier Hair Color Olia Ammonia-Free Brilliant Color Oil-Rich Permanent Hair Dye, 8.22 Medium Rose Gold, 2 Count (Packaging May Vary)


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  • Over 300,000 Happy Customers
  • 97.1% Customer Satisfaction Rating
SKU: B07NVSQG28 Category: Tags: , , ,



Brand: Garnier

Color: 8.22 Medium Rose Gold


  • Oil powered with no ammonia permanent hair color Olia shade 8.22 Medium Rose Gold is a medium shade with delicate golden rose reflects that provides 100% gray coverage to achieve vivid, radiant long lasting color for all hair textures
  • Best for anyone with natural hair between light blonde and light brown
  • Ammonia free permanent hair color made with a 60% oil blend with natural flower oils to help reverse roughness and dullness to deliver brilliant color and visibly healthier hair that’s hydrated, silky, and up to 3x shinier (than uncolored, unwashed hair)
  • Ammonia Free, Paraben Free, Silicone Free and Phthalates Free
  • Leaping Bunny certified, Cruelty Free and Vegan

Binding: Electronics

model number: 603084570263

Part Number: 603084570263

Details: Garnier Olia אינה דומה לצבע שיער מסורתי וקבוע. מופעל על ידי נוסחה של 60% תערובת שמן עם שמנים פרחוניים טבעיים, Olia מניעה צבעים עמוק לתוך השיער, מה שנותן לך תוצאות צבע חיות. השמנים עוזרים להפוך את החספוס וקהות ללא תחושת שיער מושכת. לנוסחה ללא טפטוף אין אמוניה, כך שהיא מריחה נהדר בזמן השימוש. התוצאה הסופית? מבריק יותר, צבע ושיער לאורך זמן שהוא רווי, משיי, נראה מלא עד פי 3 מבריק יותר משיער לא צבוע, לא מכובס. מה יש בערכת צבע השיער? מוליך למפתח, צינור צבעוני, לאחר מרכך צבע, כמו גם סט כפפות וגיליון ההוראות.

Garnier Olia ist anders als jede andere traditionelle, permanente Haarfarbe. Angetrieben durch eine 60%-ige Ölmischung mit natürlichen Blumenölen, treibt Olia Farbstoffe tief in das Haar und sorgt für lebendige Farbergebnisse. Die Öle helfen, Rauheit und Mattheit umzukehren, ohne dass das Haar beschwert wird. Die tropffreie Formel hat kein Ammoniak, so dass es beim Auftragen großartig riecht. Das Endergebnis? Brillante, langanhaltende Farbe und Haar, das hydratisiert ist, seidig, sieht voll und bis zu 3 x glänzender aus als ungefärbtes, ungewaschenes Haar. Was ist in dem Haarfärbe-Set? Ein Entwickler-Applikator, eine Farbstoffröhre, nach der Farbspülung, sowie ein Set Handschuhe und eine Anleitung (evtl. nicht in deutscher Sprache).

لا تختلف صبغة الشعر أوليا من غارنييه أي لون شعر تقليدي ودائم. معزز بتركيبة مزيج من الزيوت بنسبة 60% مع زيوت الزهور الطبيعية، يقوم أوليا بدفع الألوان بعمق في الشعر، مما يمنحك نتائج ألوان نابضة بالحياة. تساعد الزيوت على عكس الخشونة والبهتان دون الشعور بثقل الشعر. تركيبة غير قابلة للتنقيط لا تحتوي على الأمونيا، لذلك فهي رائحة رائعة أثناء الاستخدام. النتيجة النهائية؟ لون أكثر تألقاً ويدوم طويلاً وشعر رطب وحريري، يبدو ممتلئاً وأكثر لمعانًا بمقدار 3 أضعاف من الشعر غير المصبوغ وغير المغسول. ما محتويات مجموعة صبغات الشعر؟ أداة توزيع المكياج وأنبوب ملون بعد بلسم الألوان، بالإضافة إلى مجموعة من القفازات وورقة التعليمات.

Garnier Olia é diferente de qualquer outra coloração de cabelo tradicional e permanente. Alimentado por uma fórmula de mistura de óleo de 60% com óleos de flores naturais, a Olia impulsiona os corantes profundamente no cabelo, dando a você resultados de cores vivas. Os óleos ajudam a reverter a rugosidade e o opacidade sem que o cabelo fique pesado. A fórmula não pinga não tem amônia, por isso tem um cheiro ótimo conforme você aplica. O resultado final? Cor e cabelo mais brilhantes e duradouros hidratados, sedosos, ficam cheios e até 3 vezes mais brilhantes do que cabelos não coloridos, não lavados. O que vem no kit de tintura de cabelo? Um aplicador de desenvolvedor, um tubo de corante, condicionador pós-cor, bem como um conjunto de luvas e a folha de instruções.

Garnier Olia 与其他传统永久染发剂不同。 由 60% 油混合配方和天然花油,Olia 推动染色剂深入到头发中,为您带来生动的染色效果。 这些精油有助于逆转粗糙和暗沉,而不会觉得头发被称重。 不滴漏配方不含氨,所以在涂抹时气味很好。 最终结果? 更明亮、持久的染色和头发,保湿、丝滑,看起来饱满,并且比未染色、未经水洗的头发高出 3 倍。 染发剂套装内含什么? 显影器、染色剂管、染色剂调节剂、手套和说明书。

Garnier Olia는 다른 전통적인 영구 헤어 컬러와 다릅니다. 천연 꽃 오일이 함유된 60% 오일 블렌드 포뮬러로 구동되는 올리아는 색소를 모발 깊숙이 유도하여 생생한 색상 결과를 제공합니다. 오일은 머리카락이 무겁지 않고 거칠고 칙칙함을 되돌리는 데 도움이 됩니다. 논드립 포뮬러는 암모니아가 없으므로 바를 때 좋은 냄새가 납니다. 최종 결과는 어땠을까요? 더 밝고 오래 지속되는 색상과 머리카락은 촉촉하고 실키하며 염색되지 않은 머리카락보다 풍성하고 최대 3배 더 반짝입니다. 헤어 염색 키트 구성은 무엇입니까? 개발자 어플리케이터, 색소 튜브, 컬러 컨디셔너 및 장갑 세트 및 설명서(한글이 아닐 수 있음).

EAN: 0603084570263

Package Dimensions: 7.3 x 6.7 x 3.0 inches

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Weight0.99 kg

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Shipping Details

Shipping Details Information

We ship within the continental United States and Canada. For International shipping please message us. Our products are shipped via USPS/UPS/FedEx. Shipping time to Canada is 9 to 12 business days. Shipping time to US is 9 to 12 business days as well. A business day is Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time). If your order comes in after 5:00 PM it’ll be processed the next business day.

The tracking information will be sent to your email address when your order gets shipped. You should be present at the shipping address to receive your package. If you have any questions regarding shipping or want to know about the status of an order, email us at

Return & Refund

Return & Refund


If your item arrives damaged, please follow the warranty process and contact our Support Center for RMA authorization within 30 days of the order being received. After returning the product to the address provided by our support team, we can send you a new item free of charge.

Special Note

Please note that we do not accept returns for reasons other than damaged items . Change of heart and not wanting the product anymore is considered not valid for returns

Customers must first send a clear photo or video of the damaged or defective product and the shipping packaging before we can consider issuing RMA authorization. Please use good lighting, and a close to medium distance, so we can identify and verify the issue(s). Attachment size must be under 2MB for the Support Center, please send larger attachments to:

Warranty Exemptions and Notes

  1. The shipping fee for returning the product back will be paid by the customer and is non-refundable except for in 30 day DOA situations.
  2. During the return shipping, the customer is responsible for any and all customs charges, duties or tariffs during the items return to China. In these cases we will deduct the customs fees from your authorized refund amount.
  3. Kate Minimalist will by default resend the item to the customer via Flat Rate Shipping. If the customer wants to utilize a faster shipping method, the relevant shipping fee is applicable.
  4. In case of any misuse, any and all repairs, accessories and shipping fees, both ways, are fully the customer’s responsibility and are at their own expense.

How To Request Warranty (Return, Repair And Refund)

If your item has an issue, please first submit a ticket to our Support Center.

Please carefully follow our warranty process to minimize any delays:

  1. Describe the problem with your item in detail: What happened? When? How? Please also state your full order number and product code (SKU number).
  2. Tell us what steps you have already taken to resolve the issue.
  3. Provide the item code indicated on the outer packaging.
  4. Send a clear photo or video showing the defect(s); these should be taken under good lighting.

NOTE: Photos/videos should ideally be clear and focused, taken under good lighting conditions, and from a close to medium distance. This allows us to identify and verify the issue(s). We will always do our very best to help you. Thank you in advance for providing all the information stated above.

Missing Item(S), Wrong Item(S) Or Incorrect Package Sent

Please be sure to open the parcel and carefully check the contents before signing for the package.

For any issues, please carefully follow our warranty process to minimize any delays:

  1. Contact our Support Center with your order number and the product code (SKU number).
  2. Please send us a clear picture of the outer packaging, all shipping labels visible, and (if applicable) the item received.

Possible Solutions:

  • If there is a item missing, we will resend the missing item/accessory for free within the warranty period.
  • If we have shipped the wrong item: we will either refund you in full or dispatch an alternative item (if applicable and available). Kate Minimalist will decide whether you need to return the wrong product or not and compensate the return shipping fee when we receive it.